Faith Formation

Rally Day is the first day of Sunday School and is held the first Sunday after Labor Day beginning with a delicious breakfast.

On the last day of Sunday School, usually the Sunday before Memorial Day, special programs, and attendance awards occur during worship.

Vacation Bible School is held the last week of July of any given year, and is FREE for any child!

Sunday School, for children up to grade 6, starts at 9AM, and Confirmation Class, for children desiring to be confirmed into the church, starts at 9:30AM.

Sunday school curriculum is called “In Life Lessons” written by David C. Cooke. The first quarter is “Life Connection”, the second is “Bible Exploration”, the 3rd is “Bible Interaction”, and the 4th is “Life Application”.

Children are taught the books of the Bible and the Lord’s Prayer.

Third grade children receive a Bible and are encouraged to bring them to church every Sunday thereafter.

Our church programs, as well as our youth programs, take place in special Sundays. Some of our special services are:

  • Advent services
  • Christmas services
  • Hanging of the Greens
  • Birthday Party for Jesus celebrating the birth of Christ
  • Palm Sunday Procession when youth wave palms through the church re-enacting the significance of Jesus’ acclamations on that day
  • During Lent, children experience Holy Week and see Jesus’ crown of thorns and nails as examples of Jesus’ suffering and the love that led him to sacrifice his life for us
  • Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday
  • Children’s sermons on most Sundays
  • And many others!

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